To meet the shelter aspect of our mission, Charity World operates its Charity Communities program. Charity Communities assists poor, disadvantaged and distressed persons in locating and obtaining low cost and long term housing.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Charity Communities

The Charity Communities program provides community building events and educates the poor, distressed and underprivileged on how to locate and obtain low cost and long term housing. The ultimate goal of the Charity Communities program is to implement a rental assistance program for poor, distressed and disadvantaged families. The rental assistance program will include Charity Communities offsetting the cost of participant housing, while equipping participants with the knowledge and opportunity to gain employment and education. Upon completion of the rental assistance program, Charity Communities intends for recipients to be adequately educated and coached so that they can sustainably house themselves.

Charity World fundraising and bringing awareness to our mission at the 2013 San Diego County Fair Flower and Garden Show.
Charity Communities San Diego supporting local micro-businesses by creating Farmers Markets.
Charity World Chicago hosting community building events.
Happy Charity World community members.
Charity World fundraising and bringing awareness to our mission at the 2012 San Diego County Fair Flower and Garden Show.
Charity Communities hitting the streets to help individuals in need.

 Charity Communities serving the Connecticut homeless community.

Charity Communities San Diego supporting local micro-businesses by creating Farmers Markets.

Supporters running to raise funds for Charity World programs.

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